Nobody wants to take into account things like a flood or a fire, but keeping your office safe depends on having the right supplies and a strategy in place in case of an emergency. In large office buildings, there are dedicated safety managers or even entire safety departments, but in smaller ones, the office manager is in charge of that. 

Here are six essential tips to begin your office moving toward safety, regardless of how your business divides up responsibility.

First aid

Every business must have a first aid kit on hand, but it’s a good idea to go one step further and provide each employee with their own kit since accidents can happen at any time. Having enough first aid supplies on hand for everyone may reduce the need for an ER visit or a Workman’s Compensation claim, so it’s not just a gesture of goodwill for your staff. 

Additionally, you might want to think about employing a certified on-site health professional who can be present at all times in your coworking space, ensure the workers’ health and safety, and provide first aid, reanimation, and other life-saving procedures. Be sure to always keep in mind all the health and personal safety tips for coworking spaces as one of the ways to improve workplace emergency preparedness.


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Reduce clutter and promote good housekeeping among employees

The last thing you want to do if you and your coworkers need to leave quickly is to cross a course of obstacles. Keep walkways free of boxes and other obstructions so that everyone has a clear path, from managing wires to maintaining designated storage places. This is especially important in the area close to the emergency exit door. Keep your emergency exits open so that people can swiftly evacuate and the door can be fully opened.

Keep your walkways and emergency exits clean in case something happens, such as a fire, earthquake, flood, or tornado. It’s a matter of moments, and avoiding a box of papers, or tripping over an electrical cable might make all the difference.

Create an emergency plan for your company

Companies have a duty to be ready for emergencies. In most circumstances, it’s impossible to foresee when an emergency will occur. However, we can make preparations to guarantee the security of our employees, the minimization of our financial and personal losses, and the quick return to normal operations. 

You should have the following things in your plan: emergency measures for risks including fire, earthquakes, and tsunamis, first aid instruction, wardens, and assembly points, and the ways to reach the staff, vendors, customers, and insurance companies. 

This usually results in the development of specific plans that take into account everything discussed. Therefore, organizations must commit to emergency preparedness resilience and response efforts, make use of digital technology, and purchase the right emergency management software solutions in order to reap the benefits.

Chain of command

When everything is going well and there’s no calamity, you don’t give it much thought, but when an emergency occurs, people want someone they can turn to for advice. It’s common that everyone in your organization is aware of who’s in control and who’s next in command, but if they’re unavailable or, incapacitated, someone else needs to step in and take the reins. Because of this, you need to establish a distinct chain of command, to ensure that someone is in place to guide everyone away from danger.

Create connections 

Join the business community in your neighborhood. Learn as much as you can about the local chamber of commerce, professional associations, nearby businesses, competitors, and suppliers. Learn more about their business continuity and emergency preparations by speaking with them. In an urgent situation, you might be able to assist one another in recovering more quickly. 

Image by chitsu san from Pixabay 

Have enough fire extinguishers on hand

The specific number of fire extinguishers that must be placed in your office is commanded in accordance with fire safety regulations. Ensure that you’re strictly adhering to these rules. Additionally, make sure they‘re continuously maintained and up to date. Check the expiration date of each fire extinguisher straight away, and then put a reminder on your calendar when it gets close. 

Take the required steps as that date draws near. You can locate licensed fire extinguisher repair and service businesses in your neighborhood, but some local fire departments may be able to assist you with refilling or recharging them. A tiny incident involving the toaster in the break room can be avoided by having a staff person who’s trained and ready to act promptly.


Emergency situations can arise at any time, even during work hours. Although you can’t foresee when they’ll happen, with these essential tips you can take steps to make your company more secure, and improve workplace emergency preparedness.