I’m sure you’ve been there. You have this brilliant idea that will change your workspace for the better. You’re really excited about implementing it, and telling all your coworkers about it.

Suddenly, someone extinguishes your burning hot idea and it fizzles and does not move forward.

Here are a few strategies you, as a facility manager, can use to build buy-in and move forward with your ideas:


1. Seed your idea

Before you formally propose your idea, take some time to plant the idea in people’s heads. Spend time talking to employees, team leads, and anybody who might be affected by your initiative. People naturally dislike change and are hesitant about new things. By planting the idea early, you provide more time for your team to get used to it, and possibly get them interested in supporting the initiative.

2. Do your research

It is really important to be prepared to counter any objections. The best way to do so is to have well-researched, logical reasons.

Take some time to think about the objections people will have to your idea. Imagine yourself in their position and think about their individual concerns. Take note of those concerns, and prepare responses for each of them. Besides providing a convincing rationale, this also helps show that you are considering your team’s opinions in the process, which will make them more likely to approve of your proposal..

Some common objections could be:

  • Budget
    Be prepared to show how your project is an investment and will have a positive impact on the company and your coworkers
  • Priorities
    If objections are regarding priority level of your project, clarify who benefits from your workplace project, and how will they benefit
  • Timing
    Define clear timelines for the project and when you would expect to see results

3. Be strategic in approaching opponents

Your research is important, but knowing who is most likely to oppose your idea is equally important. By knowing who is most likely to work against you, you can craft tactics to best approach and neutralize their point of view.

Some effective tactics you could use:

  • One-on-one conversations
    By having one-on-one conversations before you formally submit a proposal, you can air out concerns and address those concerns with your research. Additionally, it gives room to express personal concerns, as well as let you negotiate any trade-offs before formally proposing a solution
  • Have another person advocate for you
    If you have someone else who loves and is championing your idea, use them! They might have a better relationship or be in a position of power where they can sway your opponents or blunt their opposition.
  • Take them out of the equation
    This can be tricky, but if everyone else on your team is ready to jump in, your opponents might not have enough sway to block the project from moving forward. However, you will want to make sure that your opponents still feel heard so that they do not create more problems in the future. Acknowledge your opponents’ viewpoints, and what they have to say, and do not dismiss their opinions without giving it airtime and discussion.

4. Remove the road-blocks

Make it really easy for your team to say yes. Simplify what your team has to do in order to get your project going. One of the best ways to do so would be to take on as much of the project as you can. It might mean more work for you, but once you get the go- ahead, you can rope in help along the way
It might seem like a lot of work to push your ideas through, but getting buy-in from your team is really important in making sure your project starts off on the right foot. Just remember that your hard work will all be worth it when your ideas come into fruition!

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