According to statistics, over 50% of B2B enterprises have implemented automation technology, and an average of 46% of businesses are now employing marketing automation.

The explanation is straightforward, you can do more in less time with marketing automation.

Marketing automation offers a lot in the area of Conversion Rate Optimization. However, there is a disconnect between what marketers desire and the CRO outcomes they are seeing.

The fact that 6 out of 10 marketers engage in CRO yet only 22% of firms are genuinely pleased with the results speaks volumes about this.

This post will go through how to increase conversion rates by using automation in the following areas:

– Email advertising

– Messages from clients

– Leading scorer

So let’s get started reading this post and see how marketing automation may enhance your conversion rates. Let’s first take a quick look at how marketing automation functions.

What is a marketing automation?

Essentially, the marketing automation pipeline consists of four components:

– An action by the client that initiates the automation workflow is referred to as a trigger.

– Delays: The interval of time between a trigger and your company’s subsequent action.

– Conditions: these are the guidelines for the process (perform this if condition A is true). Do that if B is accurate.)

– When a consumer initiates a workflow, the action is carried out, taking into account whether the conditions are true or not.

You may use this process to achieve various marketing objectives if you have a basic grasp of how marketing automation functions.

The greatest thing is that, because of the widespread availability of software with some level of creative automation, creating automated processes no longer requires a lot of manual labor.

Top automation methods for conversion rate boosting

Email automation

By using email automation, you may increase conversions by doing the following:

– Converting no-cost users to paying ones

– Increasing website, landing page, or blog traffic

– Increasing your blog’s or YouTube channel’s subscriber base

– Making email sequences that are delivered based on user activity is one approach to do this.

A typical email series flow would resemble this:

– To provide a seamless onboarding process for your online consumers, you produce a single email or a series of emails.

– Then you configure a trigger to send your emails to the appropriate recipient at the appropriate moment.

– Every subscriber on your list will automatically start receiving automated emails that appear to have been written by you if everything is configured properly.

Therefore, you may start an email sequence that delivers these subscribers advantages of your paid version, customer success stories, along with compelling CTAs to persuade them to sign up, if you want to convert free clients into paying ones.

You can send newsletters or blogs depending on the interests your subscribers may have specified to promote traffic.

Sending different emails to men and women is one straightforward demographic-based automation. Segmented emails raise the likelihood of interaction, which raises conversion.

Lead generating automation

Another kind of marketing automation that enables you to gauge a lead’s sales readiness is lead scoring. Given that 71% of marketing leads are never converted into sales, it has been shown to be a successful approach for increasing conversions.

Basically, depending on the acts they perform or don’t take, you add or deduct points from a lead. Your marketing team will need to build up a model to appropriately score leads.

In order to offer leads that match your buyer personas a higher score, lead scoring can also take into consideration demographic information. You may take advantage of details like:

– Industry

– Knowledge

– Size of the Company

You may then rate leads who fall into your preferred categories higher in accordance with your target audience.

In addition to demographics, interactions with your business also factor into lead scoring and are simpler to track.

A lead is considered sales-ready when they reach a certain score, at which point you may customize the bottom-of-the-funnel material for them and pass them along to your sales staff.

Your targeting approach may be improved with the help of lead scoring, and it also prevents your sales force from wasting time on cold leads. It has been demonstrated to cut sales cycles by 26%.

You’ll be able to swiftly alter your lead weights to reflect new insights you have about what influences conversions on your site if you systematize your lead scoring. You may then consider and raise your lead conversion rates using this information.

Customer communication automation

Messages about abandoned shopping carts: About 61% of clients do not complete their orders. For every $1 million in sales, sending a customized email with the proper goods may increase revenue by 40%.

Information regarding promotions, specials, and new products are popular with customers, and around 83% of them use coupons. Another 71% of customers anticipate receiving discounts and bargains from businesses. Don’t forget to provide returning clients with special discounts, and again, tailor them to the items they often buy.

Online material and blog posts: Share customer-relevant content. Based on the knowledge you already have about your audience, segment your material. This could include the locations they have lived in and the demographics they have.

Social media: Maintaining an active presence on sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and others is crucial.

Social media promotes brand consistency, customer retention, and a rise in trust. Even further, you may link your dashboard to social media sites to better manage your relationships and boost the effectiveness of your social media postings.

You may showcase your brand voice in emails by using social media material.

By reducing abandoned carts, automating consumer contacts increases conversion rates which improve sales. Automated discounts and content also increase website traffic and eventually convert it into sales.

Order tracking

Automating inventory and order tracking can inform clients of the following:

– Estimated shipment date versus actual shipping date for an item

– Which delivery company is handling the order?

– When the order will arrive and what state it will be in when it does

– What the delay is and how long it will last, if there is one, with the order

– If a back-ordered item has just become accessible

– If a product the client previously bought is now discounted or is being discontinued

When designing a well-thought-out plan to satisfy the demands that automation provides in a market that is always changing, your firm must make sure there are no gaps in the customer’s journey.

Through better inventory management, automated order tracking increases conversion rates while keeping you and your customers informed.


I think that as marketers, we are constantly pushing for better outcomes. Despite the fact that most people are aware that marketing automation reduces labor-intensive tasks and saves time, it may also help to increase conversion rates, particularly in the areas of email marketing, customer care, and lead scoring.