Millennials will Quit if Their Office Isn’t Smart

A new Dell and Intel Study found that almost half of millennials are willing to quit their job if a company’s office technology is not up to their standards. In addition, More than 80 percent of millennials say workplace tech would have an influence when deciding to take a job. The Future Workforce Study focuses on the impact that technology will have on the workplace.

Similar UK Sentiment – What Workers Want

Savills and the British Council for Offices (BCO) found a similar sentiment across the pond in their What Workers Want 2016 report. More than half of UK workers find their office technology inadequate. Read the full report.

Innovation in the Workplace

The big finding out of Genlers’s 2016 US workplace survey was that “great workplace design drives creativity and innovation” Read the summary and find out what we can learn from innovators.

Canadian Tech Workspaces Look to Embed Culture in Design

On the note of innovation – Canadian Tech Companies are using unique workplaces to build and nurture strong company cultures. Wattpad is one example where aspects of the company’s culture was embedded into the design of their Toronto space. More on Canadian Tech workplaces with Karel Vuong of Spaces.